Some of my research papers have been covered by various news outlets. Below you will find a selection of links to this global and local coverage. 

Facebook Shadow Profiles

with Christian Peukert, Maximilian Schaefer, and Hannes Ullrich

Playlisting Favorites: Measuring Platform Bias in the Music Industry 

with Joel Waldfogel & Sarah Waldfogel

Platforms, Promotion, and Product Discovery: Evidence from Spotify Playlists

with Joel Waldfogel. 

Let the Music Play? Free Streaming and its Effects on Digital Music Consumption 

As Streaming Reaches Flood Stage: Does it Stimulate or Depress Music Sales? 

with Joel Waldfogel. 

Quality Predictability and the Welfare Benefits from New Products: Evidence from the Digitization of Recorded Music

with Joel Waldfogel. 

Catch Me if You Can: Effectiveness and Consequences of Online Copyright Enforcement 

with Jörg Claussen & Christian Peukert. 

Digital Music Consumption on the Internet: Evidence from Clickstream Data 

with Bertin Martens.