My research has examined the effects of digitization on the supply of recorded music and on the welfare benefits of new products. I have also studied the effectiveness and consequences of copyright enforcement policies and their effect on consumer behavior, the interaction between distinct music consumption channels, and the welfare effects of digital music and movie trade. I am additionally studying how music and movie streaming platforms (such as Spotify and Netflix) affect content availability and production as well as global consumption patterns.
You can also visit my research pages at SSRN, IDEAS RePEc, ORCID, and Google Scholar.
Refereed Journal Publications
Bad Apples on Rotten Tomatoes: Critics, Crowds, and Gender Bias in Product Ratings
Marketing Science, 2024. [DOI] [Last Working Paper Version]
Platforms and the Transformation of the Content Industries
with Imke Reimers & Joel Waldfogel. Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, 2024, 33(2): 317-326. [DOI - Open Access]
Absorptive Capacity, Knowledge Spillovers, and Incentive Contracts
with Philippe Gagnepain. International Journal of Industrial Organization, 2022, 82: 102830. [DOI] [Last Working Paper Version]
Playlisting Favorites: Measuring Platform Bias in the Music Industry
with Joel Waldfogel & Sarah Waldfogel. International Journal of Industrial Organization, 2021, 78: 102765. [DOI] [NBER Working Paper]
Platforms, Power, and Promotion: Evidence from Spotify Playlists
with Joel Waldfogel. Journal of Industrial Economics, 2021, 69: 653-691. [DOI] [Last Working Paper Version]
Top cited article in the journal among work published in 2021-2022.
Catch Me if You Can: Effectiveness and Consequences of Online Copyright Enforcement
with Jörg Claussen & Christian Peukert. Information Systems Research, 2018, 29(3): 656-678. [DOI] [Last Working Paper Version]
Quality Predictability and the Welfare Benefits from New Products: Evidence from the Digitization of Recorded Music
with Joel Waldfogel. Journal of Political Economy, 2018, 126(2): 492-524. [DOI] [NBER Working Paper]
Netflix: Global Hegemon or Facilitator of Frictionless Digital Trade?
with Joel Waldfogel. Journal of Cultural Economics, 2018, 42(3): 419-445. [DOI] [Last Working Paper Version]
As Streaming Reaches Flood Stage, Does it Stimulate or Depress Music Sales?
with Joel Waldfogel. International Journal of Industrial Organization, 2018, 57: 278-307. [DOI] [Last Working Paper Version]
Let the Music Play? Free Streaming and its Effects on Digital Music Consumption
Information Economics and Policy, 2017, 41: 1-14. [DOI – Open Access]
European Cooperative R&D and Firm Performance: Evidence Based on Funding Differences in Key Actions
with Philippe Gagnepain. International Journal of Industrial Organization, 2017, 53: 1-31. [DOI] [Last Working Paper Version]
Even the Losers Get Lucky Sometimes: New Products and the Evolution of Music Quality since Napster
with Joel Waldfogel. Information Economics and Policy, 2016, 34: 1-15. [DOI] [Last Working Paper Version]
Digital Music Consumption on the Internet: Evidence from Clickstream Data
with Bertin Martens. Information Economics and Policy, 2016, 34: 27-43. [DOI – Open Access]
Book Chapters
La Digitalización y las Industrias Culturales
with Joel Waldfogel. In Economía y cultura. Una mirada hacia el futuro, edited by Victoria Ateca Amestoy, Juan-José Ganuza, and Jesús Prieto Sacristán , 295-322, 2021. FUNCAS Social and Economic Studies, 5. Madrid, Spain. [link]
Digitization and the Content Industries
with Joel Waldfogel. In Economic Analysis of the Digital Revolution, edited by Juan José Ganuza and Gerard Llobet, 273-304, 2018. FUNCAS Social and Economic Studies, 5. Madrid, Spain. [link]
Working Papers
Platform Power Struggle: Spotify and the Major Record Labels
with Joel Waldfogel and Axel Zeijen. [NBER WP]
Let that Sync in: The Effect of Music Reuse on Product Discovery
with Zhizhong Chen. [CESifo WP]
Returns to Data: Evidence from Web Tracking
with Tomaso Duso, Jonas Hannane, Christian Peukert, and Hannes Ullrich. [CESifo WP] [DIW DP] [CEPR DP]
Facebook Shadow Profiles
with Christian Peukert, Maximilian Schaefer, and Hannes Ullrich. [link]
Digitization and the Welfare Effects of Motion Picture Trade
with Joel Waldfogel. [link]
Digitization, Copyright, and the Welfare Effects of Music Trade
with Joel Waldfogel. IPTS Digital Economy Working Paper 2014/05. [link]
Recipient of the Best Paper Award at the European Policy for Intellectual Property Conference (Galsgow, 2015).